A compression fracture is a type of break in the bones in your back that stack up to form your spine. A compression fracture can cause back pain, limited movement, a decrease in height, and a stopped over posture. It often develops as a result of osteoporosis.
Lumbar disk disease occurs when the spongy disks between the vertebrae bulge out or rupture.
Corticosteroid injections can treat many skeletal, muscular, and spinal conditions. Some of these injections can be done by your healthcare provider during a routine clinic visit. Others need a referral to a pain specialist.
Your neck is at risk for injury because of its location and range of motion. Neck pain can be caused by injury, age, or inflammatory disorders.
Cervical spondylosis is a type of arthritis that affects your neck. This condition becomes more common with age, and most people who are older than 60 have it.