A compression fracture is a type of break in the bones in your back that stack up to form your spine. A compression fracture can cause back pain, limited movement, a decrease in height, and a stopped over posture. It often develops as a result of osteoporosis.
Lumbar disk disease occurs when the spongy disks between the vertebrae bulge out or rupture.
Sciatica, also called lumbar radiculopathy, is a pain that starts along your sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body. The pain goes from the back of your pelvis down the back of your thigh.
Spinal stenosis is a condition in which the spinal canal narrows and pinches the nerves. This results in back and leg pain.
Neural blockades, commonly called nerve blocks, are procedures that can help prevent or manage many different types of intractable pain.
Spinal cord stimulation is one way to manage various types of pain. A spinal cord stimulator is an implanted device that sends low levels of electricity directly into the spinal cord.
When the disks themselves are causing back pain or pain radiating to the legs, healthcare providers sometimes do an intradiscal procedure to try to ease the pain.