A compression fracture is a type of break in the bones in your back that stack up to form your spine. A compression fracture can cause back pain, limited movement, a decrease in height, and a stopped over posture. It often develops as a result of osteoporosis.
Lumbar disk disease occurs when the spongy disks between the vertebrae bulge out or rupture.
Corticosteroid injections can treat many skeletal, muscular, and spinal conditions. Some of these injections can be done by your healthcare provider during a routine clinic visit. Others need a referral to a pain specialist.
Your neck is at risk for injury because of its location and range of motion. Neck pain can be caused by injury, age, or inflammatory disorders.
Cervical spondylosis is a type of arthritis that affects your neck. This condition becomes more common with age, and most people who are older than 60 have it.
A head injury is a broad term that describes many injuries that occur to the scalp, skull, brain, and underlying tissue and blood vessels in the head. Head injuries are also commonly referred to as brain injury, or traumatic brain injury, depending on the extent of the head trauma.
A traumatic brain injury is caused by a blow to or penetration of the head resulting in brain damage. Read on to learn about diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment.
The brain is an important organ that controls thought, memory, emotion, touch, motor skills, vision, respiration, and every process that regulates your body.
Healthcare providers do not know exactly what causes a brain tumor. But certain factors may raise your risk.
A tumor forms when an abnormal cell grows to form a mass of abnormal cells. Spinal cord tumors are tumors that form on the spinal cord or in the area around it.
Epilepsy is a brain condition that causes a person to have seizures. It's one of the most common disorders of the nervous system.
A seizure that lasts at least 30 minutes is called status epilepticus, or a prolonged seizure. This is a medical emergency that may lead to permanent brain damage or death. Many medical experts become concerned that a seizure is status epilepticus after it lasts 5 to 10 minutes.
Optic neuritis is a condition that affects the eye and your vision. It occurs when the optic nerve is inflamed.
Bacterial meningitis is an infection of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. It causes headache, stiff neck, and high fever.
Meningitis is inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain. Meningitis can be caused by either a virus or bacteria. Bacterial meningitis may be life-threatening.
Muscular dystrophy is a group of inherited diseases that are characterized by weakness and wasting away of muscle tissue, with or without the breakdown of nerve tissue.
Distal muscular dystrophy (DD) is a group of rare diseases that affect your muscle. It usually appears between ages 40 and 60, but it can sometimes show up as early as the teen years.
Acoustic neuroma is a rare noncancer tumor. It affects hearing and balance when the tumor presses on the nerves in the inner ear.
Bell's palsy is an unexplained episode of facial muscle weakness or paralysis that begins suddenly and gets worse over 48 hours. It is caused by a damaged facial nerve.
Parkinson disease is a motor system disorder that causes trembling, stiffness, and trouble moving.
Parkinson disease is a movement disorder that can cause muscles to tighten and become rigid. It can make it hard to walk and engage in daily activities.
Dystonia is a body movement disorder. It causes your muscles to contract, move involuntarily, or get stuck in an abnormal position.
Huntington disease is a brain disorder that can lead to emotional disturbances, loss of intellectual abilities, and uncontrolled movements.
The brachial plexus can be injured in many different ways--from pressure, stress, or being stretched too far. The nerves may also be damaged by cancer or radiation treatment. Sometimes, brachial plexus injuries happen to babies during childbirth.
Cubital tunnel syndrome happens when the ulnar nerve, which passes through the inside of the elbow, is injured and becomes inflamed, swollen, and irritated. The pain of cubital tunnel syndrome feels like the pain you feel when you hit your "funny bone."